Silas' Stuff


Here is the list of Websites and other work I have done.


EqualVoice is a project initiated by Ringier to make women more visible in media coverage and give them an equal voice. I worked for the Media Technology Center at ETHZ on a visualization of pre-filtered articles from different publishers. It was built using an existing Masterthesis and adapted to fit the need. The product was then used at the "Equal Voice Summit". Link to Visualization

Treff 7

Treff7 Website for my local community. They create and rent spaces for teenagers/young adults and hold events. It was created using CMSimple. Note: The website is now maintained by the municipality.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

For some time now I've been working on some simple PWAs that try to imitate real mobile applications. Meaning they are only developed with mobile in mind, but still work on other devices.


Tutto is a fun little game with dice where you have to keep track of your points. This App lets you do exactly that. While it works on computers it has been built for mobile devices. Source code is available on my personal GitHub.


Spar! is first PWA. The goal was to actually create an offline app. Often companies advertise that we save money by buying something on sale when instead we are just spending less. So the goal is to keep track of how much money you have actually saved by buying discount prices.